27 - S vs. SH Pronunciation in English Lesson

May 14, 2019
Pronunciation Lessons

Welcome to NJCLT's comprehensive lesson on the pronunciation differences between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds in English. In this lesson, we will explore these two sounds, identify their unique characteristics, and provide valuable tips on achieving accurate pronunciation.

Understanding the 'S' Sound

The 'S' sound is an unvoiced, or voiceless, sound produced by a slight hissing air flow through a narrow gap between the teeth, creating a sharp and crisp sound.

When pronouncing the 'S' sound, ensure that the tip of your tongue is lightly touching the back of your upper teeth, forming a small gap for the air to pass through. Practicing this technique will help you produce a clear 'S' sound.

Mastery of the 'SH' Sound

The 'SH' sound is also an unvoiced sound, but it is characterized by a gentle and continuous flow of air through a wider gap between the tongue and the roof of the mouth.

To correctly pronounce the 'SH' sound, position your tongue higher in your mouth, almost touching the roof of your mouth without exerting any pressure. Allow a smooth stream of air to flow through the gap between your tongue and the roof of your mouth, creating a soft and hushing 'SH' sound.

Differences Between 'S' and 'SH'

Although the 'S' and 'SH' sounds may appear similar, they have distinct differences in pronunciation:

Articulation Point:

The 'S' sound is produced by the articulation of the tongue against the upper teeth, while the 'SH' sound is created by positioning the tongue near the roof of the mouth.

Air Flow:

When producing the 'S' sound, a narrow passage is formed for the airflow, resulting in a sharper and more pronounced sound. On the other hand, the 'SH' sound allows for a wider passage, causing a gentler and more hushing sound.


The 'S' sound tends to have a stronger emphasis, while the 'SH' sound is softer and more subtle.


Here are some examples to help illustrate the differences:

  • Sun: The 'S' sound is emphasized, and the airflow is more forceful.
  • SHine: The 'SH' sound is softer, with a smoother airflow.
  • Street: The 'S' sound is crisp and distinct.
  • SHip: The 'SH' sound is gentler and more hushing.

Tips for Improving Pronunciation

Mastering the pronunciation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds can greatly enhance your English speaking abilities. Here are some valuable tips to help you improve:

Listen and Mimic:

Practice listening to native English speakers pronouncing words with the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. Pay attention to their articulation and airflow, and try to mimic their pronunciation.

Tongue Placement:

Ensure that your tongue is correctly positioned when producing the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. Regularly practice and familiarize yourself with the distinct tongue placements for each sound.

Slow and Controlled Pronunciation:

Start by pronouncing words with the 'S' and 'SH' sounds slowly and focus on articulating each sound correctly. Gradually increase speed while maintaining accuracy.

Record and Evaluate:

Record yourself while practicing the 'S' and 'SH' sounds, and compare your pronunciation with native speakers. Identify areas for improvement and continue practicing.

Variety of Words:

Expose yourself to a variety of English words containing the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. Practice pronouncing them in different contexts, as this will enhance your overall mastery of the sounds.

By diligently practicing these techniques and incorporating them into your language learning routine, you will steadily improve your 'S' and 'SH' pronunciation skills.


NJCLT's lesson on the 'S' and 'SH' sounds in English provides you with a comprehensive understanding of these sounds, their unique characteristics, and tips for achieving accurate pronunciation.

Remember, consistent practice and attention to detail are key to mastering any language skill. Regularly incorporate the techniques outlined in this lesson into your English language journey, and watch your pronunciation skills flourish.

Patrick Tait
The breakdown of the various characteristics of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds was incredibly informative. Thank you for this enriching lesson!
Aug 11, 2023
Cecelia Davis
I've shared this lesson with my friends. It's too good not to pass on!
Jul 20, 2023
Stacie Kennedy
I've struggled with these sounds for a long time, but this lesson has clarified things for me. Thank you!
Jul 6, 2023
Christian Vandenberg
Thank you for breaking down the differences between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds so clearly. This lesson is a game-changer for my pronunciation skills.
Jun 18, 2023
Ranjeet Singh
Thank you for simplifying the distinction between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This lesson has been so beneficial for my English pronunciation. I truly appreciate the valuable insights!
Jun 5, 2023
Courtney Shearer
The explanation of the mouth and tongue positions for producing the 'S' and 'SH' sounds was really helpful in improving my pronunciation. Thank you!
May 4, 2023
Georges Michel
The practical exercises for practicing the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were very beneficial. Thank you for including them in the lesson!
Apr 17, 2023
Vic Gomez
I found the exercises at the end very useful. Thanks for the practical tips!
Mar 25, 2023
Jeanluis Arias
The practical tips provided for mastering the 'S' and 'SH' sounds are just what I needed to improve my pronunciation. Thank you for this helpful lesson!
Mar 15, 2023
Lucille Umberto
Thank you for breaking down the differences between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds in such a clear and understandable manner. This lesson was immensely helpful!
Jan 9, 2023
Jack Tuttle
I didn't realize there were so many nuances between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds, but this lesson has uncovered them for me. Thank you for the enlightening content!
Jan 3, 2023
Ted Vieira
Thank you for such a comprehensive lesson on the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. The practical advice on achieving accurate pronunciation is greatly appreciated.
Dec 31, 2022
James Hickam
The audio clips were a fantastic addition. It makes the lesson more engaging. 🎧
Dec 17, 2022
Xiaoguang Wang
This lesson has genuinely improved my ability to differentiate between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. Thank you for the invaluable insight!
Nov 18, 2022
Emily Winters
I never knew there were so many subtle nuances between 'S' and 'SH'. It's fascinating!
Nov 9, 2022
George Koussoulas
I'm glad I found this lesson. It's been eye-opening! 👀
Nov 4, 2022
Ken Rhodes
The examples provided for the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were very effective in illustrating the differences. Thank you!
Oct 8, 2022
Jack Hillis
Great article! I've always struggled with the difference between 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This lesson was really helpful.
Oct 8, 2022
Michelle Saunders
Thank you for simplifying the distinction between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This lesson has been so beneficial for my English pronunciation.
Sep 23, 2022
Devadasi Stuart
The visual aids and examples made it easier to grasp the differences between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. Thanks for making the lesson so accessible!
Sep 15, 2022
Aron Brand
I struggle with these sounds, but your tips have given me hope. 🙌
Sep 6, 2022
Elizabeth Castaneda
This lesson has really helped me distinguish between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. I will definitely be practicing more to improve my pronunciation. Thank you for the insightful explanation!
Aug 22, 2022
Thank you for the clear explanation! This lesson was very helpful.
Aug 8, 2022
Tomer Yabrov
I can't believe how much I've learned from this lesson. It's like a whole new world has opened up!
Jul 24, 2022
Stephen Keane
What a valuable lesson! Learning the differences between 'S' and 'SH' is so important for clear communication in English. Thank you for the insightful explanation!
Jul 19, 2022
Niels Jacobsen
Thank you for such an enlightening lesson on the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. Understanding these distinctions is vital, and this lesson made it so much clearer!
Jul 14, 2022
Kimberly Snyder
What a fantastic lesson! Understanding the 'S' and 'SH' sounds is essential for mastering English pronunciation. Thanks for sharing this valuable knowledge!
May 14, 2022
Heidi Marcin
I've been uncertain about the differences between 'S' and 'SH' sounds, but this lesson has provided the clarity I needed. Thank you for this valuable explanation!
May 9, 2022
Lisa Heard
The breakdown of the tongue and mouth positions for producing the 'S' and 'SH' sounds was tremendously helpful. Thank you for the enriching content! 🙌
Apr 25, 2022
Nigel Arkwright
The examples provided really help solidify the differences. Thank you for this lesson.
Feb 24, 2022
The illustrations and visual aids used in explaining the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were incredibly helpful. Thank you for making the lesson so accessible!
Feb 21, 2022
Jane Richmond
I've been looking for a resource to help me improve my pronunciation, and this lesson has been exactly what I needed. Thank you for the detailed guidance!
Jan 17, 2022
Steven Walker
I've always had trouble with 'S' and 'SH' sounds, but this lesson has given me a clearer understanding. Thank you for the informative content!
Dec 11, 2021
Ron Williams
Your explanations make everything so much clearer. Thank you for breaking it down so well!
Nov 28, 2021
S Aaron
I appreciate the detailed breakdown of each sound. Great learning resource!
Nov 6, 2021
Bill Catalanotte
This lesson makes it easier for me to distinguish between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. Thank you!
Oct 30, 2021
Account Numbers
This lesson has raised my awareness of the nuances between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. I'm grateful for the detailed instruction.
Oct 5, 2021
Mohsen Shahini
I've been struggling with the 'S' and 'SH' sounds for a while, but this lesson has given me a clearer understanding. Thank you for the valuable guidance provided!
Aug 9, 2021
Add Email
Thank you for such an in-depth explanation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. It's truly a valuable resource for English learners.
Aug 6, 2021
I appreciate the detailed breakdown of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. It has definitely improved my understanding of English pronunciation.
Jul 12, 2021
Cheryl Degnan
Thank you for such an enlightening lesson on the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This lesson has been a game-changer for my English pronunciation. I couldn't be more grateful.
Jul 9, 2021
Tom Culver
This lesson has really improved my ability to distinguish between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds, which I've struggled with before. Thank you for the clear explanation!
Jun 29, 2021
Carl Myhill
The illustrations and examples used to explain the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were really helpful in understanding the distinction. Thank you for this excellent lesson!
Jun 24, 2021
Jim White
I've been struggling with these sounds, but this lesson has given me a lot more confidence in pronouncing 'S' and 'SH' correctly. Thank you!
Jun 23, 2021
Jill Cress
The practical exercises on the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were very useful for improving my pronunciation skills. Thank you for including them in the lesson!
Jun 17, 2021
Courtney Picciolo
This lesson has really improved my ability to distinguish between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds, which I've struggled with before. Thank you for the insightful explanation! 🌟
May 28, 2021
Marleena Kishaba
Thank you for breaking down the differences between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds so clearly. This lesson has been an absolute gem for my English pronunciation. 🌟
May 26, 2021
Andrea Reynaldos
The practical tips for practicing the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were just what I needed. Thank you for providing such useful guidance!
May 13, 2021
Kyle Prough
Thank you for breaking down the differences between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds in such a clear and understandable manner. This lesson was an absolute game-changer! 🌟
May 8, 2021
Randy Zierfuss
The practical tips for mastering the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were just what I needed to improve my pronunciation. Thank you for providing such helpful guidance!
Apr 25, 2021
Brini Krane
This lesson has improved my understanding of phonetics. Thank you for the detailed explanations.
Apr 14, 2021
Tim Boates
I've always found the 'S' and 'SH' sounds tricky, but this lesson has really helped me understand the differences better. Thank you for this valuable lesson!
Apr 11, 2021
Carol Cropp
The examples provided for the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were really effective in helping me grasp the differences. Thank you for the insightful lesson!
Mar 23, 2021
I'm grateful for this lesson. Now I can help my kids with their English pronunciation!
Mar 11, 2021
Sandra Besch
An enlightening lesson! I feel more confident about my pronunciation now.
Mar 3, 2021
Brad McClain
The clear examples provided for the 'S' and 'SH' sounds helped me to understand the differences better. Thank you for such a helpful lesson!
Feb 13, 2021
I had never thought about the differences before. Interesting article! 🤔
Jan 27, 2021
Laurie Newberry
The way this lesson explains the subtle differences between 'S' and 'SH' is exceptional. Well done!
Jan 21, 2021
Anita Owens
The interactive nature of this lesson made it a lot more engaging. It kept my attention the whole way through.
Jan 19, 2021
Eugene Hoke
I've been struggling with the 'S' and 'SH' sounds for a while, but this lesson has given me a better grasp on the nuances. Thank you for the clarity provided!
Jan 3, 2021
Jim Russell
I love the practical techniques included in this lesson. They make it much easier to apply what I've learned.
Nov 23, 2020
Dayna Hathaway
I've always had trouble with these sounds, but this lesson has given me a better understanding. Thank you for the practical guidance on achieving accurate pronunciation!
Nov 17, 2020
Daniel King
The practical advice on achieving accurate pronunciation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds is greatly appreciated. Thank you for such a comprehensive lesson!
Nov 16, 2020
Test21 Test21
The clear explanation and examples provided for differentiating the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were immensely helpful. Thank you for this insightful lesson!
Nov 1, 2020
John Bonk
The breakdown of the characteristics of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds was remarkably informative. Thank you for providing such clear and useful guidance! 🌈
Oct 30, 2020
Mike Spinney
I've struggled with these sounds for so long, but this lesson has really clarified the differences. Thank you for this invaluable lesson.
Oct 25, 2020
Jeremy Hall
I've been pronouncing certain words wrong for years. I can't believe the difference this lesson has made!
Sep 23, 2020
Annabel Custer
This lesson has given me a new perspective on English pronunciation. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Sep 18, 2020
Elisa Jackson
The breakdown of the tongue and mouth positions for producing the 'S' and 'SH' sounds was tremendously helpful. Thank you for this insightful lesson!
Sep 12, 2020
Bob Williams
Thank you for simplifying the distinction between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This lesson has been an invaluable resource for my English pronunciation.
Aug 23, 2020
Munesh Parmar
I've been searching for resources to help me improve my pronunciation, and this lesson has been exactly what I needed. Thank you for the enriching guidance! 🙌
Aug 22, 2020
Jung Jonghun
I never thought there were so many factors to consider in differentiating the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This lesson was enlightening!
Jul 26, 2020
Pam Trask
I've always found learning pronunciation a bit daunting, but this lesson has made it much more approachable.
Jul 9, 2020
Scott Linnemeyer
The examples provided for the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were really effective in helping me grasp the differences. Thank you for the insightful and valuable lesson! 🌈
Jul 4, 2020
Arvind Singh
I've always found the distinction between 'S' and 'SH' sounds challenging, but this lesson has made it much clearer. Thank you for the guidance!
Jun 11, 2020
Emiliano Berenbaum
This lesson has really helped me distinguish between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. I will definitely be practicing more to improve my pronunciation.
Jun 11, 2020
Not Provided
I never realized there were so many subtle differences between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. Thanks for shedding light on this!
May 30, 2020
Michael Fry
Awesome job explaining the intricacies of these sounds. I appreciate the effort that went into this lesson.
Apr 29, 2020
Bruce Wakai
I've been wanting to improve my pronunciation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds, and this lesson has given me the tools to do so. Thank you for the valuable guidance!
Apr 24, 2020
Sandie Evans
The detailed breakdown of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds has helped me to understand their differences much better. Thank you for the valuable lesson!
Apr 14, 2020
John Mendoza
The tips provided for achieving accurate pronunciation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds are practical and easy to follow. Thank you for this helpful lesson!
Apr 2, 2020
Renee Krogwold
I found the exercises on the 'S' and 'SH' sounds particularly helpful for practicing and improving my pronunciation. Thanks for including them!
Jan 15, 2020
Robert Rosenfeld
Very informative lesson. The tips for achieving accurate pronunciation are clear and practical.
Dec 22, 2019
Martyn Seddon
The tips for achieving accurate pronunciation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds are invaluable. Thank you for sharing such practical advice!
Dec 13, 2019
Mason Smith
I've been wanting to improve my pronunciation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds, and this lesson has given me the tools to do so. Thank you for the helpful guidance!
Nov 19, 2019
Kimberly Williams
You've turned what I thought was a complicated topic into something understandable. Great work!
Nov 5, 2019
Angie Wyatt
Clear, concise, and very informative. Thank you for creating this lesson.
Oct 3, 2019
Robert Rosenfeld
I've always had trouble with pronunciation. This lesson has given me some much-needed guidance.
Sep 29, 2019
Tim Hickey
Thank you for the detailed guidance on achieving accurate pronunciation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This lesson has been a game-changer for my language skills. 🙌
Sep 29, 2019
Nikolay Jidkov
I've been struggling with these sounds for a while, and this lesson has been an eye-opener. Thank you for the clear explanation.
Sep 29, 2019
Sharon Hanson
The practical tips provided for mastering the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were just what I needed to improve my pronunciation. Thank you for the helpful and invaluable guidance! 🙌
Sep 26, 2019
Leslie Leary
Thank you for simplifying the distinction between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This lesson has been an invaluable resource for my English pronunciation. 🌟
Sep 16, 2019
Mangalagowri S
I've always found the 'S' and 'SH' sounds to be a challenge, but this lesson has really helped me understand the differences better. Thank you for the detailed explanation!
Sep 10, 2019
Bradip Kumar
Thank you for such a comprehensive lesson on the 'S' and 'SH' sounds. This has truly enhanced my understanding of English pronunciation.
Sep 9, 2019
Edward Garvey
The practical tips provided for mastering the 'S' and 'SH' sounds are just what I needed to improve my pronunciation. Thank you for this invaluable lesson! 💡
Aug 22, 2019
Bob Marsdale
I've been so uncertain about the differences between 'S' and 'SH' sounds, but this lesson has provided the clarity I needed. Thank you for this enlightening explanation! 💡
Aug 19, 2019
Brandy Johnson
The illustrations and examples used to explain the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were really helpful in understanding the distinction. Thank you for this excellent lesson! 🌟
Aug 18, 2019
Edward Schreyer
The practical exercises on the 'S' and 'SH' sounds were very useful for improving my pronunciation skills. Thank you for including them in the lesson! 🙌
Jul 25, 2019
Erik Carey
Thank you for breaking down the differences between the 'S' and 'SH' sounds in such a clear and understandable manner. This lesson was incredibly helpful!
Jul 22, 2019
Mahmoud Attia
I've always had trouble with these sounds, but this lesson has given me a better understanding. Thank you for the enriching guidance on achieving accurate pronunciation! 💡
Jul 21, 2019
Bart Kaminsky
I've been wanting to improve my pronunciation of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds, and this lesson has given me the tools to do so. Thank you for the practical guidance! 💡
Jul 19, 2019
Chris Barned
I've learned so much from this lesson. Understanding the subtle differences between 'S' and 'SH' is crucial for clear communication. Thanks for the great insights!
Jul 4, 2019
Betsy Pringle
I'm definitely going to practice more after reading this. Great lesson!
Jun 27, 2019
Lisa Puariea
I've been searching for resources to help me improve my pronunciation, and this lesson has been an absolute gem. Thank you for providing such detailed guidance!
Jun 12, 2019
Tracey Casey
The breakdown of the characteristics of the 'S' and 'SH' sounds was incredibly informative. Thank you for providing such clear and useful guidance!
Jun 1, 2019