How To Use The Pronoun IT

Apr 25, 2023
English Grammar Lessons


Discover the ins and outs of using the pronoun IT in English with this detailed lesson from NJCLT. By mastering the usage of IT, you can enhance your language proficiency and effectively communicate in various contexts. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, this guide will provide you with the necessary knowledge to confidently incorporate IT in your English conversations.

Understanding the Role of IT

The pronoun IT plays a crucial role in English, offering a convenient way to refer to objects, animals, and concepts. Its versatility allows us to express information concisely and avoid unnecessary repetition. To fully grasp how to use IT effectively, let's delve into its different applications:

1. Referring to Objects

One of the main functions of IT is to refer to inanimate objects. By using IT, we can avoid repetition and maintain clarity in our sentences. For example:

  • The book is on the table. It is a bestseller.
  • I have a new car. It is black.

2. Referring to Animals

IT is also commonly used to refer to animals, especially when their gender is unknown or unimportant. This allows for smoother communication without the need to know specific gender details. Here are a few examples:

  • A cat wandered into the garden. It looked hungry.
  • I saw a beautiful bird in the park. It had vibrant colors.

3. Referring to Concepts or Situations

IT can be used to refer to general concepts, ideas, or situations. This usage aids in providing clarity and coherence to our sentences. Take a look at these examples:

  • It is important to practice daily.
  • I don't like horror movies. It scares me.

Advanced Usage of IT

Beyond the basic applications, IT has additional nuanced usages that can further enhance your language skills. Let's explore these advanced techniques:

1. Emphasizing a Particular Object or Idea

When we want to draw attention to a specific object or idea, IT can be used in combination with the verb "to be." This structure allows us to place the focus on the chosen element. Consider the following examples:

  • It is the movie that won the award.
  • It was Sarah who baked the delicious cake.

2. Placeholder in Extraposition

In more complex sentence constructions, IT can function as a placeholder, making our sentences more coherent and easier to understand. Extraposition refers to shifting a subject or object to the end of the sentence, where IT can fulfill its role effectively. Observe the following examples:

  • It is difficult to learn a new language.
  • It seems like it's going to rain tonight.

3. Anticipatory IT

Anticipatory IT is used when the actual subject of the sentence is not yet mentioned, but it will be referred to later. This anticipatory IT helps to maintain sentence cohesion and continuity. Consider these examples:

  • It is raining heavily. (In this case, the real subject could be the weather or the rain)
  • It is important to stay hydrated. (The later reference could be health or general well-being)

Practice Makes Perfect!

Now that you have a solid understanding of the usage and nuances of IT, it's time to put your skills to the test. Take advantage of the following practice exercises to reinforce what you've learned:

  1. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct pronoun in each context.
  2. Rewrite the given sentences, replacing the repeated nouns with appropriate pronouns.
  3. Create your own examples demonstrating different applications of IT.

By actively practicing and incorporating IT into your daily English conversations, you'll gradually develop fluency and confidently express yourself without hesitation.


Mastering the usage of the pronoun IT opens doors to effective communication and improved language skills. NJCLT strives to equip language learners with comprehensive and practical lessons, and this guide on using IT is no exception. By understanding the different applications and advanced techniques, you'll be equipped to express ideas concisely and accurately, elevating your English proficiency to new heights.

Brian Timberlake
The tips on how to use IT effectively are useful for anyone looking to improve their language skills.
Oct 31, 2023
Jeannie Savage
Your article has given me a much-needed understanding of the subtleties of using IT in English sentences. Thank you!
Oct 29, 2023
Jane Prebble
I appreciate the article's comprehensive coverage of using IT, which has greatly improved my language skills. Thank you for the guidance!
Oct 28, 2023
John Glandon
Thank you for providing a clear and comprehensive explanation of the usage of IT in English. It has been very beneficial for me!
Oct 22, 2023
Lawrence Best
Your article clarified my doubts about using IT. It's an excellent resource for language learners.
Oct 12, 2023
Laura Oliva
The article's detailed guide to using IT has been instrumental in refining my language proficiency. Thank you for the valuable insights!
Oct 4, 2023
Cory Sober
Kudos to the author for simplifying the complexities of using IT in English. A very enlightening read!
Sep 26, 2023
Bill Gross
This article has provided a much-needed clarification on when to use IT, especially for non-native speakers like me.
Sep 24, 2023
Rain Johnson
Clear and concise explanations in the article have made understanding IT much simpler for me.
Sep 17, 2023
Than Singh
I never realized the nuances of using IT until I read this article. It's very informative.
Sep 17, 2023
Kent Trvett
The practical examples in the article have really helped solidify my understanding of using IT in different contexts. Thank you for the clarity!
Sep 16, 2023
Debbie Czech
The article's insights on using IT are invaluable for language learners looking to improve their skills. Well done!
Sep 14, 2023
Lisa Colbert
The article's practical and relevant examples of using IT have greatly enhanced my language skills. Thank you for the valuable insights!
Sep 14, 2023
Thomas Milos
The examples provided in the article really helped me understand when to use IT.
Sep 4, 2023
Lisa Stryker
Your breakdown of the different contexts for using IT is very helpful for language learners.
Sep 3, 2023
Renee Stevens
The examples and explanations provided in the article have really helped me in understanding how to use IT effectively.
Aug 31, 2023
Greg Mack
I never realized there were so many uses of IT until I read this detailed article. It's eye-opening.
Aug 30, 2023
Steven Herman
Your article has clarified many doubts I had regarding the proper use of the pronoun IT. Thank you!
Aug 29, 2023
Morgan Newberg
Your article's approach to teaching the usage of IT deserves high praise. It's very reader-friendly.
Aug 23, 2023
August Consulting
I found the article to be an extremely useful resource for understanding and mastering the usage of IT. Thank you for the insights!
Aug 23, 2023
Britne Goldstein
Thank you for breaking down the complexities of using IT in such a reader-friendly manner. It's been very enlightening for me!
Aug 22, 2023
Anne Cosini
The article provides a comprehensive look at the pronoun IT, making it easier to grasp.
Aug 17, 2023
Daniel Coffey
The article's explanation of IT is concise and effective, making it a valuable read for language learners.
Aug 14, 2023
Ted Wells
Understanding the nuances of IT is crucial, and your article has made it much easier for me. Thank you for the guidance!
Aug 12, 2023
Matthias Eichhorn
The straightforward approach of your article has made the usage of IT less overwhelming for me. Great job!
Aug 12, 2023
Salvatore Nicastro
Thank you for shedding light on the complexities of using IT. It's a crucial aspect of English.
Aug 9, 2023
Johnson Suna
The article's detailed explanation and practical examples have really enhanced my understanding of using IT. Great job!
Aug 6, 2023
Leonie Lapoint
I appreciate how the article makes the usage of IT less intimidating and more understandable for beginners.
Aug 4, 2023
Luis Contreras
IT can be quite confusing, but your article has made it less daunting for me. Thank you.
Jul 30, 2023
Grant Sammy
The article's practical tips on using IT have enhanced my understanding and application of it in conversations. Thank you!
Jul 30, 2023
John Colglazier
I found the tips and examples in the article to be practical and relevant to everyday language use. Thank you!
Jul 26, 2023
Julia Kim
This article has boosted my confidence in using the pronoun IT in my conversations.
Jul 24, 2023
Beth Pfefferle
Your article's breakdown of different contexts for using IT is very enlightening. I appreciate the clarity it provides.
Jul 24, 2023
Barb Krol
I found the examples in the article to be quite enlightening, helping me grasp the concept of IT better.
Jul 23, 2023
Eric Hoffman
Great article! The use of IT can be tricky sometimes, but your guide explains it well.
Jul 23, 2023
Zack Smith
Your detailed guide to using IT has given me the confidence to effectively utilize it in my language usage. Thank you for the valuable insights!
Jul 21, 2023
Walter Marks
I struggled with using IT, but your article has made me more confident in applying it correctly. Thank you!
Jul 18, 2023
Marti Gentile
Understanding the usage of IT is essential, and your article has made it much more accessible for me.
Jul 18, 2023
Greg Paul
Understanding the nuances of IT can be challenging, but your article has made it a lot easier for me. Thank you!
Jul 16, 2023
Christian Wilkes
Your article has made the usage of IT more accessible and understandable for me. Thank you for the valuable insights!
Jul 15, 2023
I found the article to be a very helpful and insightful guide to understanding the usage of IT in English. Thank you!
Jul 4, 2023
Nizar Halilou
Your article's detailed guide to using IT has given me the confidence to incorporate it correctly in my language usage. Thank you!
Jul 2, 2023
Your article's approach to utilizing IT effectively has given me a new perspective and understanding of its application. Thank you!
Jun 29, 2023
Tina Mitchell
Thanks for making the usage of IT more understandable with your well-structured article. It's a great help!
Jun 28, 2023
Fernando Cruz
The article's clear and concise approach has made the usage of IT more manageable for me. Thank you for the clarity!
Jun 28, 2023
Drew Ditthardt
The article's breakdown of using IT in different contexts has been extremely helpful in improving my language proficiency. Thank you for the clarity!
Jun 27, 2023
Brian Chunn
The personalized approach to explaining IT makes this article stand out. Thanks for the valuable insights.
Jun 27, 2023
Kayla Tricaso
The article offers a fine explanation of IT usage, making it vital for language learners.
Jun 26, 2023
Audrey Lemmons
The article effectively demystifies the pronoun IT, making it easier for learners to grasp. Great job!
Jun 25, 2023
Dimitris Kafetzis
Your article serves as a valuable guide for anyone working to master the use of IT. Bravo!
Jun 24, 2023
Oscar Cruz
Thanks for the insightful article. It's a great help in understanding the nuances of using IT.
Jun 19, 2023
Maurissa Escobar
The article has been a great resource in clarifying my doubts about IT usage. It's a must-read for language learners.
Jun 14, 2023
Ross Cox
Understanding when to use IT is key, and your article has provided a clear and concise explanation. Thank you!
Jun 12, 2023
Alex Psolakides
The article provides a thorough understanding of using IT, making it easier for learners to apply it in practice.
Jun 11, 2023
Victor Pagan
Navigating the usage of IT can be daunting, but your article makes it seem less daunting. Great work!
Jun 11, 2023
Paresh Thanki
Kudos to the author for tackling the complexities of using IT with such clarity and precision. A valuable resource!
Jun 10, 2023
Jaime Kably
The article's practical and relevant tips on using IT have been invaluable in improving my language proficiency. Thank you!
Jun 10, 2023
Sundeep Khanna
The examples and explanations in the article have really improved my grasp of how to use IT effectively. Very helpful!
Jun 7, 2023
Darius Williams
I've always had trouble with the pronoun IT, but your explanation made it clearer for me. Thanks!
Jun 4, 2023
Jill Slater-Freedberg
The article's breakdown of using IT in various contexts is extremely informative and helpful. Very well done!
Jun 3, 2023
Angie Chadwick
I've struggled with IT before, but your article has given me a better understanding of its usage.
Jun 1, 2023
Vicki Meek
I like how the article breaks down the different ways IT can be utilized in English sentences.
May 31, 2023
Matthew Commelly
I found the article to be quite illuminating and practical in its approach to teaching the usage of IT. Thank you!
May 30, 2023
Place Holder
The article offers a comprehensive guide to using IT, providing much-needed clarity on the subject. Great job!
May 22, 2023
Lashay Gerald
Your article's thorough exploration of using IT gives language learners a solid foundation for practicing its application. Well done!
May 21, 2023
Steve Johnson
I appreciate the practical approach in explaining the usage of IT in different situations.
May 18, 2023
Your article's practical tips have made it easier for me to incorporate the usage of IT confidently in my language usage. Thank you for the guidance!
May 13, 2023
Dclowd9901 Drew
The guidelines provided for using IT are straightforward and easy to follow. Well done!
May 11, 2023
Rocco Termini
The article is a valuable resource for English language learners tackling the usage of IT.
May 3, 2023
Tbd Monique
I appreciate how your article simplifies the usage of IT without oversimplifying the concept. It's a valuable read.
May 1, 2023
Stephanie Sulok
I appreciate the article's in-depth explanation of using IT, which has greatly improved my understanding of the subject. Thank you!
Apr 29, 2023