Learn English Vocabulary - Look Forward To vs. Looking Forward To

Mar 25, 2019
English Vocabulary Lessons

Welcome to NJCLT's comprehensive lesson on Look Forward To vs. Looking Forward To in English vocabulary. In this detailed guide, we will delve into the nuances of these phrases, explore their different uses, and provide examples to help you grasp them effectively.

Understanding the Differences

While both phrases express anticipation for future events, they possess distinct meanings and usage patterns.

Look Forward To

The phrase 'Look Forward To' is widely used when talking about future plans or expectations. It is typically followed by a noun or a gerund (-ing form of a verb), indicating the specific event or action that you anticipate.

Let's take a look at some examples:

  • I look forward to meeting you at the conference.
  • We all look forward to the upcoming vacation.
  • She looks forward to celebrating her birthday with friends.

As you can see, 'Look Forward To' is used to express a positive expectation or eagerness towards something that is going to happen in the future.

Looking Forward To

The phrase 'Looking Forward To' is similar in meaning to 'Look Forward To' but is typically used in a more informal context. It conveys the same sense of anticipation and excitement for future events.

Here are some examples:

  1. I'm looking forward to attending the concert tonight.
  2. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback on the project.
  3. He's looking forward to receiving his promotion letter.

Similar to 'Look Forward To', 'Looking Forward To' also emphasizes the anticipation of something enjoyable or positive in the future.

Using the Phrases Appropriately

When using these phrases, it's essential to pay attention to the context and grammatical structure. Below are a few guidelines to ensure correct usage:

Verb Tense

Both phrases are commonly used with the present progressive tense to express ongoing anticipation for future events. However, they can also be used with other verb tenses.

For example:

  • I look forward to seeing you at the party tomorrow. (Future tense)
  • She has always looked forward to spending time with her family. (Past tense)

Remember to select the appropriate tense based on the context and timeframe of the event you are referring to.


As mentioned earlier, 'Look Forward To' is more formal compared to 'Looking Forward To', which is commonly used in informal conversations. Consider the tone and setting to decide which phrase suits the context better.


In summary, mastering the usage of 'Look Forward To' and 'Looking Forward To' is crucial for effectively communicating your anticipations in English. Understand the nuances, practice using them in different situations, and gradually enhance your vocabulary skills.

At NJCLT, we provide comprehensive English language lessons and resources to empower learners like you. Stay tuned for more valuable lessons and tips to enhance your language proficiency.

Nav Sakf
This article was very helpful in clearing up the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you!
Nov 6, 2023
Alan Hunter
I can't thank the author enough for this article. The clear explanations and practical examples have made it much easier for me to use 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' correctly.
Nov 3, 2023
Josh Barrett
I found the examples in this article really helpful in understanding the difference between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you so much!
Oct 14, 2023
Patrick Eduafo
Great article! 🌟 Clear explanations makes learning the difference between these phrases easy. Thank you!
Oct 6, 2023
Wayne Yamano
This article is a gem! The in-depth explanation and diverse examples have made it much easier for me to differentiate between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'.
Oct 1, 2023
Greg Oslan
The comparisons and examples really helped me to understand the differences between these two phrases. Great job!
Jul 2, 2023
Cristiano Ceccato
Thanks for this detailed guide. I always struggled with when to use 'look forward to' or 'looking forward to', but I feel more confident now.
Jun 30, 2023
Tom Brock
This article was an excellent resource for clarifying the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I now feel much more confident using these phrases.
Jun 10, 2023
Ian Parrish
The detailed explanations and practical examples helped me grasp the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' effectively. Thank you for this!
May 31, 2023
Khaled Khoder
I was always confused about when to use 'look forward to' or 'looking forward to', but this article has cleared up all my doubts. Thank you so much for this!
Apr 3, 2023
Hassan Dharsi
I was always confused about when to use 'look forward to' or 'looking forward to', but this article has cleared up all my doubts. Thank you so much for this!
Feb 10, 2023
Nishil Kumar
The comparisons and explanations were spot-on. I no longer have any doubts about when to use 'look forward to' or 'looking forward to'. Great article!
Jan 25, 2023
Cindy Pearson
This article is a gem! The in-depth explanation and diverse examples have made it much easier for me to differentiate between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'.
Dec 23, 2022
Jim McArdle
The article's thorough explanations and examples have helped me to distinguish between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' more effectively. Great job!
Nov 21, 2022
Rob Phillips
The examples in the article were very helpful in distinguishing between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for making this clear!
Nov 20, 2022
Renee Holder
The detailed guide and examples were incredibly helpful in clarifying the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for this!
Oct 5, 2022
Add Email
I appreciate the clarity this article provided on the usage of 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I now feel more confident using these phrases correctly.
Sep 30, 2022
David McKean
Understanding the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' has always been a challenge, but this article made it so much clearer for me. Thank you!
Sep 9, 2022
Brian Danaher
This article explains the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' very clearly. I will definitely refer back to this when I need to use these phrases.
Jul 18, 2022
Lucie Raymond
The examples in the article were really helpful in understanding the subtle differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for the clear explanations!
Jun 22, 2022
Robert Ford
I found the article very enlightening. The explanations provided a clear understanding of the usage differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'.
Jun 17, 2022
Robert Burger
The detailed guide and examples were incredibly helpful in clarifying the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for this!
Jun 17, 2022
Tim Suh
I really appreciated the clear examples provided. Understanding the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' is much easier for me now.
May 15, 2022
Daniel Rowe
I really appreciated the clear examples provided. Understanding the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' is much easier for me now.
May 3, 2022
Ankit Panchal
The comparisons and examples in this article were enormously helpful in understanding the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I'm grateful for this!
Apr 15, 2022
Sistemas Drehu
The article efficiently explained the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I finally feel more confident using these phrases correctly.
Feb 12, 2022
Nathan Maxwell
I have to say, the article did a great job in explaining the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. It has definitely helped me understand them better.
Dec 14, 2021
Jonas Nylen
I feel much more confident in using 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' correctly after reading this article. The comparisons and examples were incredibly helpful!
Dec 8, 2021
Myrtle Harrigan
This article was an extremely helpful resource in learning the nuances of 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for the thorough explanations!
Nov 22, 2021
Lindsay Hebert
I found the breakdown of 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' very informative. The examples provided were especially helpful in understanding the differences.
Nov 4, 2021
Shaun Sitterley
The comparison of 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' in this article really helped me to understand the nuances. I feel much more confident in my usage now.
Nov 2, 2021
Patrick Stern
The examples in the article were very helpful in distinguishing between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for making this clear!
Oct 23, 2021
Muneeb Rehman
The detailed explanations and examples in this article were very effective in helping me understand the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you!
Oct 10, 2021
Mark Batis
The breakdown of each phrase's usage and the various examples given made the distinction between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' much clearer for me. Thank you!
Sep 26, 2021
Stephen Harris
This article was an excellent resource for clarifying the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I now feel much more confident using these phrases.
Sep 15, 2021
Place Holder
The article has been a great help in distinguishing when to use 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. The examples were especially useful in clarifying the differences.
Sep 5, 2021
Bill Yalch
The comparisons and examples in this article were enormously helpful in understanding the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I'm grateful for this!
Aug 20, 2021
Dipankar Bandyopadhyay
The article has been a great help in distinguishing when to use 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. The examples were especially useful in clarifying the differences.
Jul 30, 2021
Sean Tabatabai
I'm grateful for the in-depth explanations and examples in this article. It has improved my understanding of the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'.
Jul 15, 2021
John Ferrucci
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this article! The explanations and examples made it so much easier for me to distinguish between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'.
Jun 24, 2021
Wendy Godoy
I've struggled with these phrases for so long, but after reading this article, I finally feel like I understand the difference between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you!
Jun 9, 2021
Travis Waibel
The clarity provided in this article about the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' is truly commendable. Thank you for this useful resource!
May 6, 2021
Anna Crouch
The article's clear comparisons and explanations really helped me to understand the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you!
Apr 18, 2021
Courtney McKay
The article did a great job in explaining the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. It has definitely helped me understand them better. 🌟
Apr 15, 2021
Karen Rodriguez
This article was an extremely helpful resource in learning the nuances of 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for the thorough explanations!
Feb 11, 2021
Omar Amer
The breakdown of the usage and examples really helped me to understand the nuances between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Great job!
Jan 26, 2021
Shores Steven
The article's clear comparisons and explanations really helped me to understand the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you!
Dec 12, 2020
Daniel Enekes
The article efficiently explained the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I finally feel more confident using these phrases correctly.
Nov 24, 2020
Naga Satti
The article's detailed explanations and examples provided a much clearer understanding of the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for this!
Oct 7, 2020
Sam Abdelfatah
The article's detailed analysis and examples provided a much clearer understanding of the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' for me. Thank you!
Sep 18, 2020
Steven Powell
The article's detailed breakdown and comparisons really helped me to understand the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. It was very informative!
Aug 30, 2020
Chris Colston
This article thoroughly explained the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I'm so glad to have found such a helpful resource!
Aug 5, 2020
Victor Brigner
I appreciate the clarity this article provided on the usage of 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I now feel more confident using these phrases correctly.
Jul 3, 2020
Rodney Adams
I've struggled with these phrases for so long, but after reading this article, I finally feel like I understand the difference between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you!
Jun 27, 2020
Yogesh Kumar
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this article! The explanations and examples made it so much easier for me to distinguish between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'.
Jun 18, 2020
Matt Wakefield
I never realized there was a difference between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' until I read this article. It's so useful to know!
Jun 11, 2020
Susan Perryman
This article explains the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' very clearly. I will definitely refer back to this when I need to use these phrases.
May 3, 2020
Nigel Arkwright
The comprehensive explanations and relatable examples in this article have really helped me understand the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you!
Apr 12, 2020
Carlos Simoes
I've always been confused about when to use 'look forward to' versus 'looking forward to'. This article really made it clear for me.
Apr 5, 2020
Warren Crowe
The examples in the article were really helpful in understanding the subtle differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for the clear explanations!
Mar 18, 2020
Kenny Ewan
This article thoroughly explained the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I'm so glad to have found such a helpful resource! 💡
Jan 7, 2020
Pawel Karda
The article's detailed discussion and examples really helped me understand the distinctions between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Thank you for this!
Jan 4, 2020
Loyse Bonjour
I really found the breakdown of 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' very informative. The examples provided were especially helpful in understanding the differences.
Dec 28, 2019
Panteha Karimi
The article explained the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' in a way that was easy to understand. I feel much more confident in using these phrases now.
Dec 15, 2019
David Pascoe
The breakdown of the usage and examples really helped me to understand the nuances between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. Great job!
Oct 24, 2019
Mark Patel
I appreciate the thorough explanation and numerous examples provided in this article. Now I feel more confident in using these phrases correctly.
Oct 12, 2019
Michelle Lamprecht
I was always confused about when to use 'look forward to' or 'looking forward to', but this article has cleared up all my doubts. Thank you!
Sep 5, 2019
Nina Tran
I can't thank the author enough for this article. The clear explanations and practical examples have made it much easier for me to use 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' correctly.
Aug 28, 2019
Lynda Lloyd
The clear and concise breakdown of 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' provided me with a better understanding of when to use each phrase. Thank you!
Aug 20, 2019
Nicole McHenry
I found the article very enlightening. The explanations provided a clear understanding of the usage differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'.
Jun 5, 2019
Robert Hobbs-Brown
Understanding the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' has always been a challenge, but this article made it so much clearer for me. Thank you!
May 17, 2019
Jamie Bach
This article has really cleared up my confusion about when to use 'look forward to' versus 'looking forward to'. The explanations and examples were top-notch.
Apr 14, 2019
Stas Arshanski
This article provided a detailed explanation and examples for 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to'. I'm grateful for the clarity it offered.
Apr 14, 2019
Paul Brown
The article's detailed analysis and examples provided a much clearer understanding of the differences between 'look forward to' and 'looking forward to' for me. Thank you!
Apr 4, 2019